
NEWS 2017

bin überfordert
hosted and curated by Maria & Vadim Zakharov
8 – 10 December 2017
Freehome, Berlin
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bin überfordert, 2017

24 November – 21 December 2017
Galerie Eigenheim, Berlin
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Spectrum 3, Galerie Eigenheim, 2017, Klaus Killisch (Bonjour Tristesse, 300 x 130 cm), Christian Henkel, Isabelle Borges, Manfred Peckl

#56: PUBLIC ATTENDANT A to Z | Fall 2017 | Editors: Serkan Ozkaya and Robert Fitterman
For twenty years, Marcel Duchamp secretly worked on his final art piece, Étant donnés, in his New York City studio. In PUBLIC ATTENDANT A to Z, artist Serkan Ozkaya and poet Robert Fitterman curate a collection of works from artists and writers that respond—implicitly and explicitly, artistically and scholarly—to Duchamp’s enigmatic final work. 26 artists and writers were assigned a prompt corresponding to a letter from the alphabet. The result of this unique approach blurs critical writing, poetry, and art to deepen our understanding of Duchamp’s mysterious creation, Étant donnés, or as Fitterman calls it, Attendant A!

small things:good things
Das kleine Format
16 November – 22 December 2017
Alexander Ochs Private
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small things:good things, 2017, Alexander Ochs Private, Berlin, Klaus Killisch, Vanitas, 2016

curated by Pierre Granoux
10 November – 17 December, 2017
Lage Egal, Berlin

ENDE NEU, 2017, Lage Egal, Berlin, Klaus Killisch, Die Welt ist eine Scheibe, 2013
ENDE NEU, 2017, Lage Egal, Berlin, Klaus Killisch, Dead Freaks Unite!, serigraphy on mirrow

29 Oktober 2017 – 28 Januar 2018
Kunsthaus der Achim Freyer Stiftung, Berlin

Klaus Killisch, Geschichte wird gemacht. Es geht voran. 2017, Collage, 56,5 x 152cm

Schritte/Linien, Pas/Lignes
Hommage á Ulrich Zieger
30 September – 4 November 2017
Galerie Forum Amalienpark, Berlin
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Klaus Killisch, Der Schreiber, 1987, oil on canvas, 164 x 135 cm

Wanted Duchamps 3
curated by Pierre Granoux
15 September – 14 October 2017
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Klaus Killisch, Étant donnés (Clara Bow), 2008, Digital print on Dibond, 250 x 500 cm

Turning Point
curated by Pierre Granoux and Jens Walther
14 – 24 September 2017
Gallery Jens Walther, Berlin
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TURNING POINT, 2017, Gallery Jens Walther

Recent Acquisition
poison recordings and Die Welt ist eine Scheibe entered the collection of Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin in August 2017.

Klaus Killisch, poison recordings, 2013, mixed media on canvas, 160 x 200 cm

18.08 – 10.09.2017
Galeria BWA Zielona Góra, Poland
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KALKULACJA I IRYTACJA, Gallery BWA Zielona Góra, Poland

Die Gesandten
1st May–29th June 2017
Zierfische Galerie, Berlin
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Die Gesandten, 2017, Stephanie Neumann, Klaus Killisch

24 February – 12 March 2017
SchauFenster, Berlin
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RAUSCH, Schaufenster, 2017

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