
Mädchen mit Schallplatte


Mädchen mit Schallplatte

Mädchen mit Schallplatte

Mädchen mit Schallplatte


13.10 — 03.12 2022
LAGE EGAL [GW34/35], Berlin, Curatorial Projects by Pierre Granoux

The German word “Schallplatte” is described in English as the word vinyl record. “Schall” can also mean acoustic noise or echo; “platte” refers to both the disc and can also be understood as a flat surface. The exhibition is titled after the work of artist Karl Hofer who in 1941 created his painting “Mädchen mit Schallplatte”, depicting a girl holding a vinyl record. The work was created at an important moment during World War II, a time when music also took on a different meaning and value. The three artists Tom Früchtl, Catherine Lorrent and Klaus Killisch each present works related to the theme of “sound” or music-making, as well as historical and sculptural references within their own medium.

Klaus Killisch, hi-fi distortion, 2012, Catherine Lorent at Lage Egal, 2022
Klaus Killisch, Tom Früchtl
Tom Früchtl, Klaus Killisch, Catherine Lorent
Klaus Killisch, God Save the Queen, 2022, oil, mirror on canvas, 50 x 50cm
Catherine Lorent
Klaus Killisch, London calling, 2021, oil, acryl, LED-light on canvas, 250 x 200cm
Klaus Killisch, London calling, 2021, oil, acryl, LED-light on canvas, 250 x 200cm
Mädchen mit Schallplatte, 2022, Lage Egal, Berlin
The Mystic, 2022, vinyl edition 6 + 2AP, Klaus Killisch, ambientfunk, Robert Fitterman
Klaus Killisch, Disco, 2003, acrylic paint, collage, vinyl LPs on canvas, 184 x 130cm



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