
walking through the fields of history


walking through the fields of history

walking through the fields of history

walking through the fields of history

is an exhibition of a collection of paintings, photographs, sculptures, drawings – but also a collection of encounters, experiences and memories. An associative selection of significant artistic positions and works for the gallery is presented in five conceptually ordered rooms: silkscreens from the opening exhibition with AR Penck in 1992 are on display alongside current works from 2020. 28 artists from 28 years of gallery history.

With works by: AR Penck, Ulf Puder, Frank Maibier, Klaus Killisch, Maren Roloff, Tilo Schulz, Matthias Hoch, Kaeseberg, Beat Streuli, Esko Männikkö, Albrecht Tübke, Peter Krauskopf, Stephan Balkenhol, Martin Kobe, Hartwig Ebersbach, Julius Popp, Rebecca Wilton, Imi Knoebel, Carsten Fock, Benjamin Bergmann, Jong Oh, Sven Kroner, Natalia Zaluska, Theun Govers, Harald Kirschner, Bastian Muhr, Horst Bartnig, Carlos Sagrera

Jochen Hempel Galerie, Leipzig
28.05. – 02.07.2020

walking through the fields of history, 2020, Galerie Jochen Hempel, Klaus Killisch (drawings), Ulf Puder (painting)
Klaus Killisch, drawing, 1992
Klaus Killisch, drawing, 1992

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