
Point of No Return


Point of No Return

Point of No Return

Point of No Return

Featuring 300 works by 106 artists from all genres, Point of No Return — thirty years after “1989” — is the first appreciation of how fine arts perceived the Peaceful Revolution in the GDR and the radical change of East German society. The exhibition incorporates the immediate history as much as it does the period of post-1989 transformation, illuminating the “cracks in the Wall” that had already existed in the 1980s and the reasons for their emergence. It also addresses the unexpected fall of the Wall and the redefinition of artistic purpose in the time of social revolution. The exhibition is not limited to a subculture of East German artists and instead showcases work by the “Remainers”, the “Rebels and Refomers” and the “Dissidents” who bade farewell to the GDR before its collapse, as well as the “Next Generation”.

Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig, 23 July – 03 November 2019

Klaus Killisch, Mauerdurchbruch, 1987, MdbK Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, 2019, collection BmLK Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum moderner Kunst, Cottbus
Klaus Killisch, Einstürzende Neubauten, 1989, Wolfgang Smy, Helge Leiberg, Einar Schleef, MdbK Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, 2019
Klaus Killisch, Einstürzende Neubauten, 1989, oil on canvas, 215X130cm, private collection
Klaus Killisch, Mauerdurchbruch, 1987, oil on canvas, 100x120cm, collection BLmK Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für moderne Kunst Cottbus
Klaus Killisch, Einstürzende Neubauten, 1989, Helge Leiberg, Via Lewandowsky, MdbK Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, 2019

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