
Nationalgalerie: A Collection for the 21st Century


Nationalgalerie: A Collection for the 21st Century

Nationalgalerie: A Collection for the 21st Century

Nationalgalerie: A Collection for the 21st Century

Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart

My early painting „Der entfesselte Zuckermann“ 1987 is included in the permanent exhibition. The show is a panorama of artistic practices in Berlin from the threshold of the opening of the Berlin Wall through to the present.

Curated by Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath, directors of the Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart, Catherine Nichols, curator at the HB.

artists: Absalon, Franz Ackermann, Akinbode Akinbiyi, Nevin Aladağ, Kader Attia, Nairy Baghramian, Tina Bara, Sibylle Bergemann, Sophie Calle, Isaac Chong Wai, Edith Dekyndt, Jason Dodge, Haris Epaminonda, Ayşe Erkmen, EVA & ADELE, Rainer Fetting, Dan Flavin, Annette Frick, Isa Genzken, Petrit Halilaj & Álvaro Urbano, Flaka Haliti, Mona Hatoum, Georg Herold, Sabine Herrmann, Rebecca Horn, Annette Kelm, Anselm Kiefer, Klaus Killisch, Martin Kippenberger, Barbara Klemm, Jannis Kounellis, Ignas Krunglevicius, Alicja Kwade, Klara Lidén, Marwan, Julie Mehretu, Olaf Nicolai, Emeka Ogboh, Manfred Paul, Hermann Pitz, Sigmar Polke, SUSI POP, Robert Rauschenberg, Daniel Richter, Thomas Ruff, Anri Sala, Selma Selman, Timur Si-Qin, Katharina Sieverding, Florian Slotawa, Wolfgang Tillmans, Haegue Yang, Corinne Wasmuht, Carrie Mae Weems, Rachel Whiteread, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Holly Zausner

“Der entfesselte Zuckermann” was part of a donation of 5 paintings to the museum in 2014 by a private collection in Basel.

Presse: Welt am Sonntag
Interview: SPKmagazin



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